Planning Board Meeting October 23rd, 2023

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10/23/2023 12:00:00 AM


Submissions: 367 Main Street 00:01:00

Byrnes Realty, LLC (applicant, owner) is seeking a Special Permit to allow for the construction and occupancy of an accessory apartment on the existing second floor of a commercial property. The site is located within the Village Business Zoning District. The Board will review the submission and may vote to schedule a public hearing.

Submissions: 125 Southbridge Road 00:06:27

Paper City Industries, LLC c/o Karen Desmond (applicant) is seeking a Special Permit and Site Plan Review applications to allow for the change of ownership of Havn Extracts. The site is located within the Marijuana Overlay District Zoning District. The Board will review the submission and may vote to schedule a public hearing.

Approval of Minutes 00:08:26

September 25, 2023

Public Hearing: 273 Main Street 00:09:15

Special Permit application submitted by Randy Bergeron (applicant, owner) to allow for the construction and occupancy of an accessory apartment on the existing second floor of a commercial property. The proposed project is on property located at 273 Main Street, Oxford, MA in the Village Business Zoning District owned by the applicant by deed recorded with the Worcester District Registry of Deeds, Book 55747, Page 66, and as shown on Assessors Map 33C, Parcel DOS.

Public Hearings: 82 Leicester Street, 0 Leicester Street 00:31:00

Potential Project Discussion Request: 520 Main Street 00:32:56

Bernard Gauthier (owner) requested to discuss a potential project located at 520 Main Street, Located within the General Business (GB) and R2 Zoning Districts, as shown on Assessors Map 24, Parcel CO2.

Special Permit Extension Request: ZP Battery DevCo, LLC 00:47:27

ZP Battery DevCo, LLC requests a two (2) year extension to start construction of the Energy Storage System (ESS) due to extended National Grid timelines. The subject property is located at 27 Industrial Park Road East, Oxford, MA, in the Industrial (I) Zoning District.

Bylaw Amendments 01:03:07

Discussion on forming a subcommittee to draft potential amendments to the Oxford Zoning Bylaw, Subdivision Regulations, Forms, and Special Permit processes.

Planner's Report 01:09:56

Adjournment 01:13:32

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