Conservation Commission Meeting March 20th, 2024

Show Details

3/20/2024 12:00:00 AM


February 7th, 2024 Minutes to be approved 00:00:20

March 6, 2024 Minutes to be approved 00:01:50

Request for Certificate of Compliance, Fairway Woods, 66- 70 Pleasant Street, DEP# 285- 0831 00:02:26

Request for Certificate of Compliance, 122 Main St., DEP# 255-041 00:09:53

Public Hearing for Notice of Intent: 5 Walters Dr., Oxford, 00:16:26

Public Hearing for Notice of Intent filed by Dorothy Page, 435 Boston Rd., Sutton, MA in accordance with MGL, Chapter 131, Section 40, Wetlands Protection Act for a driveway crossing of a bordering vegetated wetland for access to a single-family house lot at 5 Walters Dr., Oxford, MA.

Public Hearing for a Notice of Intent: 75 Depot Rd. and O Wellington Rd., Oxford, MA. 00:43:55

Public Hearing for a Notice of Intent filed by James Kesseli, 19 Osprey Cove, Greenland, NH in accordance with MGL, Chapter 131, Section 40, Wetlands Protection Act to pennit the breach of a failing dam at Chimney Pond and create a bypass channel to carry the perennial stream to the pre-existing brook. The work was conducted to comply with a Certificate of Non-Compliance and Immediate Emergency Action Dam Safety Order issued by the MA Department of Conservation and Recreation, Office of Dam Safety. The project is located at 75 Depot Rd. and O Wellington Rd., Oxford, MA.

Agent's Report 01:32:39

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