School Committee Meeting April 1st, 2024

Show Details

4/1/2024 12:00:00 AM


Call to Order 00:00:41

Special Presentations: Southern Worcester Country Educational Collaborative (SWCEC) Capital Plan 00:00:45

Arnold Lundwall, Executive Director

Special Presentations: Clara Barton School -"Barton on the Run" 00:17:50

Aidan Dolan and Hannah Janeczak-Quinn, Running Club Advisers

Public Comment 00:26:03

Comments are limited to topics relating to the School Committee's areas of responsibility. Speakers must identify themselves by name and address, and will be allowed to speak for up to three {3} minutes. Although the School Committee may hear comments on unanticipated topics, discussion or action on topics not specifically listed on the agenda will be postponed until a future meeting date.

Student Representative Report 00:26:35

Meeting Minutes 00:43:24

a. March 18, 2024 -Regular

Field Trips 00:45:24

a. Out-of-state (CT x2)

Superintendent of Schools: Personnel Report 00:47:00

Superintendent of Schools: FY25 Budget -Update 00:47:15

Miscellaneous 01:33:26

(may include district/community announcements, reminders, or updates)

Subcommittee Reports: Policy 01:36:47

Second Reading: ADDA, BHE, EHB, KF, KF-E, and KF-R

Subcommittee Reports: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging 01:43:01

i. Family and School Relationship Survey Analysis

Subcommittee Reports: Negotiations 01:52:58

Subcommittee Reports: School Buildings & Grounds 01:53:32

Subcommittee Reports: District Accountability & Curriculum 01:53:35

Warrant Report of Authorized Signer 01:53:39


Members Forum 01:54:08

Final Public Comment 02:01:51

Adjournment 02:01:58

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