School Committee Meeting June 3rd, 2024

Show Details

6/3/2024 10:24:05 AM


Call to Order and Roll Call of Committee Members 00:01:02

1. Reorganization of School Committee Officers

Approval of Minutes 00:03:22

1. May 20, 2024 -Regular

Financial Report 00:03:52


Special Presentations: Recognition of 2024 District Retirees 00:04:36

Special Presentations: Chaffee School - First Grade Book Presentation 00:06:16

First Grade Students

Special Presentations: Oxford Education Association Update 00:13:32

Thomas Ethier, President

Special Presentations: Athletic Department Update 00:22:11

Kevin May, Athletic Director

Public Comment 00:27:52

Comments are limited to topics relating to the School Committee's areas of responsibility. Speakers must identify themselves by name and address, and will be allowed to speak for up to three (3) minutes. Although the School Committee may hear comments on unanticipated topics, discussion or action on topics not specifically listed on the agenda will be postponed until a future meeting date.

Student Representative Report 00:28:25

Communications 00:37:49

Reports and Recommendations of the Superintendent: Personnel Report 00:37:56

Reports and Recommendations of the Superintendent: 2024-2025 Revised OEA Stipend List 00:39:32

Reports and Recommendations of the Superintendent: Bussing Registration 00:45:08

Reports and Recommendations of the Superintendent: Miscellaneous 01:02:14

(may include district/community announcements, reminders, or updates)

Unfinished Business 01:02:31

New Business: Reappointment of 2024-2025 School Committee Subcommittee Representatives 01:02:37

New Business: Reappointment of 2024-2025 Authorized Warrant Signer and Alternate Signer 01:04:12

New Business: Approval of 2024-2025 School Committee Meeting Dates 01:05:40

Reports of Special Committees: Policy 01:07:40

a. First Reading: BGB, BGC, BGE, BGF, BIA, CB, KDC

Reports of Special Committees: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging 01:10:56

Reports of Special Committees: Negotiations 01:11:27

Reports of Special Committees: School Buildings & Grounds 01:11:30

Reports of Special Committees: District Accountability & Curriculum 01:22:48

Recommendations or Questions From Individual Committee Members 01:23:19

Final Public Comment 01:31:16

Executive Session 01:32:28

Pursuant to M.G.L. c.30A s.21{a) subsections 2 and 3, to conduct a strategy session in preparation for negotiations with non-union personnel and/or to conduct contract negotiations with non-union personnel (1. Superintendent of Schools and 2. School Business Administrator), and to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining with the Oxford Clerical Workers Unit, as is necessary to protect the negotiating position of the public body, and the Chair so declares. The Committee will exit Executive Session and adjourn the public meeting without conducting further business.

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