Planning Board Meeting September 9th, 2024

Show Details

9/9/2024 12:00:00 AM


Call Meeting to Order 00:00:00

Minutes for Review/Approval 00:00:45

August 26, 2024

Plans Not Requiring Subdivision Approval (ANR): 0 Main Street Road 00:01:24

O Main Street Road Parcel of land located 0 Main Street - Sherri Labouef, owner; Located at Map 56A; Lot C01.03. Request to split lot in two to address encroachment issue.

RECESS 00:06:11

Call Meeting to Order 00:10:53

Public Hearings: 402 Main Street 00:10:55

Special Permit application submitted by Sumiyo Toribe (owner) to allow for mixed use of a property residential and commercial art studio with associated parking, septic system, and storm drainage. The proposed project is on property located at 402 Main Street, Oxford, MA in the General Business (GB) Zoning District, shown on Assessors Map 29C, Parcel CO1.

Public Hearings: 27 Lovett Road, 1 Brown Road 00:32:31

Special Permit application submitted by Keely Hartley to alter a stone wall within the limits of the road and right of way for the construction of a driveway on property owned by the applicant located at 27 Lovett Road, Oxford, MA in the R-1 Zoning District and identified on Assessor's Map 28, Parcel A23.022. Special Permit application submitted by Keely Hartley to alter a stone wall within the limits of the road and right of way for the construction of a driveway on property owned by the applicant located at 1 Brown Road, Oxford, MA in the R1- Zoning District and identified on Assessor's Map 28, Parcel A23.021.

Housing Opportunity Overlay Discussion 00:37:16

Preliminary discussion of two properties within the Housing Opportunity Overlay by a potential applicant.

Planner's Report 00:59:16

Schedule the next Planning Board Subcommittee meeting; Rules and Regulations discussion. Project updates. Update on Subdivision Rules and Regulations from the Planning Board Subcommittee.

Adjournment 01:02:50

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