School Committee Meeting November 14th, 2022

Show Details

11/14/2022 12:00:00 AM


Call to Order 00:00:00

Public Comment 00:00:50

Comments are limited to topics relating to school business. Speakers must identify themselves by name and address, and wi/1 be allowed to speak for up to three (3) minutes. Although the School Committee may hear comments on unanticipated topics, discussion or action on topics not specifically listed on the agenda will be postponed until a future meeting date.

Student Representative 00:01:27

Genevieve Bartlett

Special Presentations: Safety Update 00:05:03

Sergeant Jeromy Grniet, Oxford Police Department

Special Presentations: Parent Group Introductions 00:16:08

Special Presentations: Clara Barton School 00:46:03

Fall building update - Christen Hutchinson, Principal

Special Presentations: Hockey Co-op with Hopedale 00:57:34

Kevin May, Athletic Director

Special Presentations: MCAS Data Presentation 01:05:07

Tara Trainor, Curriculum Director

Meeting Minutes 02:26:23

Regular Minutes - October 24, 2022

Superintendent of Schools: Personnel Update 02:26:48

Superintendent of Schools: FY24 Budget Directive 02:27:51

Superintendent of Schools: Future new programming/restructuring - update 02:31:32

Superintendent of Schools: Full-Day Preschool program - update 02:40:09

Superintendent of Schools: MSBA Accelerated Roof Repair Program - update 02:42:49

Community Survey - Results 02:45:18

Fall "Community Coffee" Workshop 02:46:30

Policy Subcommittee Report 02:49:05

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Subcommittee Report 02:49:30

Renaming to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging

Personnel & Negotiations Subcommittee Report 02:53:21

School Buildings & Safety Subcommittee Report 02:53:36

District Accountability & Curriculum Subcommittee Report 02:54:00

Warrant Report of Authorized Signer 02:54:23

Members Forum 02:55:55

Final Public Comment 03:00:30

Adjournment 03:00:45

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