Planning Board Meeting November 14th, 2022

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11/14/2022 12:00:00 AM


Plans Not Requiring Subdivision Approval: Easterly side of Leicester Street 00:01:02

ANR Application - Applicant and Owner: Expedition Realty Trust - 2 lots

Continued Public Hearing: 27 Industrial Park East 00:03:54

Application for Site Plan Review, Special Pennit, Land Disturbance and Storm water Management submitted by ZP Battery DevCo LLC, 10 E Worcester Street, Worcester, MA (the applicant) for the construction, installation and operation of an 8 Megawatt (MW) AC energy storage system (ESS), and other electrical equipment on the property located in the Industrial Zoning District. The property is owned by Mark Hattabaugh - Action Date: December 30. 2022

Approval of Minutes 00:11:29

September 12, 2022, September 26, 2022, October 24, 2022

Continued Site Plan Review: 235 Main Street & 5 Fairlawn Avenue 00:13:40

Application for Site Plan Review - The applicant is Cumberland Farms, Inc. The property owner is 233 Main Street, LLC, V.S.H. Realty, Inc., a/k/a Cumberland Farms, Inc. The applicant is seeking to combine two parcels of land: 235 Main Street and 5 Fairlawn Avenue. The applicant proposes to raze all structures and redevelop both parcels as one development site with new gasoline pumps, a convenience store, parking, and associated site amenities. The property is located within the Village Business Zoning District -Action Date: November 14, 2022

8 Town Forest Road 00:34:57

New commercial building- request for Temporary Occupancy

Old Business 00:45:31

Town Planner Position 00:52:35

The Planning Board may vote to create a screening committee to review submissions.

Scenic Road Special Permit: 110 Dana Road 00:55:33

Application for Special Permit submitted by Garry Bates (applicant & owner). The applicant is seeking to alter a stone wall within the limits of the road and right of way. The property is in the R-1 Zoning District.

Ashworth Drive - Application for Land Disturbance Administrative Approval 00:58:37

Applicant: Eastland Partners, Inc. - Owner: Oxford Reserve, LLC - property identified on Assessor's Map 03, Parcel A05 - Stockpile soil materials within existing cleared areas outside wetland buffer zones on Ashworth Drive, total work area approximately 34,000 sf

Planning Director Report 01:03:49

meeting schedule, location and upcoming agenda items; (b) time-sensitive matters, if any, such as invitations to conferences/workshops; ( c) if required, general information on other topics such as implementation of the Town Master Plan and other related planning documents, updates on potential amendments to the Zoning By-Law or Subdivision Rules and Regulations to be discussed at future meetings; and ( d) general correspondence.

Adjournment 01:14:56

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