Planning Board Meeting December 12th, 2022

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12/12/2022 12:00:00 AM


Cathy Way Subdivision - Release of Lots 1, 2 & 3 00:00:59

as depicted on the definitive subdivision plan entitled "Cathys Way," recorded with the Worcester District Registry of Deeds in Plan Book 915, Plan 5, with provision of surety under M.G.L. Chapter 41, Section 81U, in the form of a performance bond to ensure completion of the construction of the ways and installation of municipal services.

Approval of Minutes 00:02:14

October 24, 2022 & November 14, 2022

New Business 00:03:30

Discuss potential amendments to the Subdivision Rules and Regulations and schedule a public hearing.

Administrative Land Disturbance Permit Application: Shelya Dasilva (applicant/owner) 58 Harwood Street 00:16:30

for the construction of a driveway, a new house and other site amenities. Application and plans prepared by Tauper Land Survey, Inc titled "Sewage Disposal System" dated 08/04/22 (revised: 08/23/22).

Planning Director Report 00:19:28

(a) meeting schedule, location, and upcoming agenda items; (b) time-sensitive matters, if any, such as invitations to conferences/workshops; ( c) if required, general information on other topics such as implementation of the Town Master Plan and other related planning documents, updates on potential amendments to the Zoning By-Law or Subdivision Rules and Regulations to be discussed at future meetings; and ( d) general correspondence.

Adjournment 00:28:21

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