Board of Selectmen Meeting April 18th, 2023

Show Details

4/18/2023 12:00:00 AM


A) Call to Order 00:00:04

C) Professional Clerk's Week 00:00:10

Presentation of a Proclamation

D) Presentation of Oak Mallets and Pads 00:03:04

for the Board of Selectmen and Town Moderator made from the Huguenot Oak by Raymond Rheault

E) Vote to sign the Town Election Warrant 00:06:56

F) Application for an Outdoor Business Permit 00:07:18

submitted by Oxford American Legion Post 58

G) Application for a Common Victualler License 00:08:09

submitted by Phil Davis on behalf of the Oxford Little League

H) Application for an Outdoor Business Permit 00:10:10

submitted by Judy Lochner on behalf of the Conservation Commission

I) Special Permit for Animals Renewal 00:10:55

Robert Zalewski, 70 Old Webster Road

J) Police Chief Search Presentation - Public Safety Consultants, LLC 00:11:36

Presentation about process and status of the Police Chief Search by Russ Stevens of Public Safety Consultants, LLC

K) Appointment of Board of Selectmen Member(s) to Citizen Panel for Police Chief Search 00:28:10


I) Special Permit for Animals Renewal 00:35:53

Robert Zalewski, 70 Old Webster Road

L) Town Manager Evaluation 00:37:14

M) Public Records Regarding Accounting Information 00:44:40

N) Town Manager's Report 01:16:24

(Containing Departmental Updates, Grant Announcements, Community Almouncements, Reminders, Public Health Updates, and Apointment Updates - No Votes Will Be Taken)

O) Adjournment 01:28:55

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