Annual Town Meeting May 3rd, 2023

Show Details

5/3/2023 12:00:00 AM


Article 1 00:13:23

To hear the reports of any Town Officers or Committees.

Article 2 00:36:40

To see if the Town will vote to raise by taxation or transfer from available funds and appropriate a sum of money to pay unpaid bills of a prior fiscal year; or act thereon.

Article 3 00:37:32

To see if the Town will vote to transfer from available funds and appropriate a sum of money to meet the State's share of the cost for Town roadway maintenance and repair, such amount to be reimbursed by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as State Highway Aid (Fiscal Year Chapter 90 Apportionment); or act thereon.

Article 4 00:38:21

To see if the Town will vote pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44, §53E 1/2 to establish the Fiscal Year 2024 spending limits for the following revolving funds established in the Oxford General By-Laws CHAPTER SEVENTY-THREE, Revolving Funds, as follows:

Article 5 00:42:32

To see if the Town will vote to raise by taxation or transfer from available funds and appropriate a sum of money to the Compensated Absence Fund; or act thereon.

Article 6 00:43:18

To see if the Town will vote to raise by taxation or transfer from available funds and appropriate a sum of money to the Stabilization Fund, for Fiscal Year 2024; or act thereon.

Article 7 00:44:05

To see if the Town will vote to raise by taxation or transfer from available funds and appropriate a sum of money to the Other Post Employment Benefits (OPEB) Liability Trust Fund, for Fiscal Year 2024; or act thereon.

Article 8 00:44:59

To determine what sum of money the Town will vote to appropriate from the PEG Access and Cable Related Fund, established by a vote of the 2020 Annual Town Meeting, Article 13, as authorized by Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44, §53F 3/4, as amended, to fund PEG access programming, as well as certain other municipal cable related expenses for Fiscal Year 2024; or act thereon.

Article 9 00:45:48

To determine what sums of money the Town will raise by taxation or transfer from available funds and appropriate to defray charges and expenses of the Town, including debt and interest, for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023 (Fiscal Year 2024); or act thereon.

Article 10 02:32:55

To see if the Town will vote to raise by taxation or transfer from available funds or borrow and authorize the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Board of Selectmen, to issue a note or notes and/or bond or bonds and appropriate a sum of money for the Capital Outlay Program for Fiscal Year 2024, including any incidental and related expenses; or act thereon.

Article 11 03:11:45

To see if the Town will vote to amend Chapter Twelve, Finance Committee, Section One of the General Bylaws by striking out the last two sentences therein; or act thereon.

Article 12 03:32:11

To see if the Town will vote to adjust the eligibility factors for the property tax exemption for senior citizens under Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 59, Section 5, Clause 41 C, by reducing the age of eligibility from seventy to sixty-five, to be effective for exemptions granted for any fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2023; 9r act thereon.

Article 13 03:33:00

To see if the Town will vote to accept the donation, which may be for nominal consideration, of land located at 8 Sutton Avenue (Map 34C, Parcel E-27) as recorded in Deed Book 65569, page 170, for general municipal purposes; and further to authorize the Board of Selectmen to execute such documents and enter into such agreements as it deems in the best interest of the Town in the furtherance of the objectives of this article; or act in relation thereto.

Article 14 03:37:21

To authorize the Board of Selectmen to acquire by gift, purchase, or eminent domain, upon such terms and conditions as the Board of Selectmen deem appropriate, such interests in land including a permanent easement over land now or formerly owned by Sandra E. Gregson, parcel no. 29C-BO6; and Joyce M. O'Keefe, parcel no. 29C-B08, all as shown on a plan entitled "Easement Exhibit Plan" by Control Point Associates, Inc., dated February 16, 2023, which is located in the vicinity of 2 and 6 Waite Street, and to transfer from available funds a sum of money as funding for such acquisition and costs related thereto; and further to authorize the Board of Selectmen to enter into all agreements and execute on behalf of the Town any and all instruments as may be necessary or convenient to effectuate the purpose of this article; or act in relation thereto.

Article 15 03:39:52

To see if the Town will vote to rescind its acceptance of Chapter 8 of the Acts of 1965, An Act Placing the Office of Chief of Police the Positions of the Regular or Permanent Members of the Police Force of the Town of Oxford under the Civil Service Laws, provided, however, that such rescission shall not affect any contractual rights or civil service rights already in existence and will only apply to the civil service rights of successor employees, or take any other action on the matter on request of the Board of Selectmen.

Article 16 04:23:05

To see if the Town will vote pursuant to the provisions of Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44, §53E½ to establish a new revolving fund, to be known as the Rocky Hill Yard Waste Facility Revolving Fund; and further, to amend the Oxford General By-Laws CHAPTER SEVENTY-THREE, Revolving Funds accordingly as shown in the document on file in the Office of the Town Clerk, or act thereon; and further establish the fiscal year 2024 spending limit as follows: Rocky Hill Yard Waste Facility Fees: Twenty-nine thousand five hundred dollars ($29,500.00)

Article 17 04:35:01

To see if the Town will vote, in accordance with MGL Chapter 41, Section 11 0A, to authorize the Town Clerk's office to remain closed on all Saturdays and to treat Saturdays as a legal holiday for purposes of calculating the time frame for filing matters in that office; or act in relation thereto.

Article 18 04:40:59

To see if the Town will vote to amend the General By-Laws, Chapter Two, Town Meetings, Section 3, by deleting the struckthrough text and inserting the text shown in bold italics as follows: Section 3. At any town meeting, one hundred (100) seventy-five (75) registered voters shall constitute a quorum, provided, however, that once the meeting has been called to order there shall be no minimum quorum required to conduct the business of the Town. A quorum of seventy five (75) fifty (50) registered voters shall be required to reconvene any adjourned session of any such meeting; or act in relation thereto.

Article 19 04:46:42

To see if the Town will vote to amend the General By-Laws by adding the following new Section 12 to Chapter One, General Provisions: Section 12. Any elected or appointed Town Board, Committee, or Commission member shall be prohibited from using the Town Seal or Official Town Stationary in a way which incorrectly suggests that the individual is acting in an official capacity on behalf of the Town; or act in relation thereto.

Article 20 04:47:19

To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning Bylaws by striking the language found in Chapter VII, Flood Plain District, in its entirety and replacing it with the language contained in the document on file in the Office of the Town Clerk; or act in relation thereto.

Article 21 04:59:46

To see if the town will vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen to petition the General Court for special legislation to amend the Town Charter, Chapter 7, Elections, Section 3, Eligibility, by adding a section 7-3-2 An eligible person running for an elective office shall not be a plaintiff in any active legal action where the town, its staff, boards or officers are a defendant. No person deficient in any registrations or filings with the town or delinquent on any personal or business taxes, fees or accounts of the town shall be eligible. Provided however, that the General court may make clerical or editorial changes of form only to said bill, unless the Board of Selectmen approves amendments thereto prior to enactment by the General Court, and provided further that the Board of Selectmen is hereby authorized to approve amendments which shall be within the scope of the general public objectives of this petition.

Article 22 05:07:38

To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Selectment to petition the General Court for special legislation to amend the Town Charter, Chapter 8, Financial Provisions and Procedures, Section 9, Collections and Disbursements, by striking section 8-9-2 in its entirety and inserting in its place the following: 8-9-2 Warrants for the payment of town funds, prepared and signed by the town accountant in accordance with general law procedures, shall be submitted to the town manager to be reviewed, approved, and signed, and the town manager shall ensure those warrants are made publicly available on the Town website within 5 business days of being signed.

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